The Top 10 Life Lessons To Learn

Life Is Full Of Lessons

10 Life Lessons FeaturedLife is full of lessons. Basically, everywhere we go and everything we do is a learning experience.

Some of these lessons may be hard and some of them may be easy. However, what’s really important is that you are able to take the knowledge provided by these lessons and put it to good use so that you can improve your life.

Keep in mind, sometimes lessons may come in disguise. It’s important that we seek out these lessons, the sooner we learn them the better.

Check out the top 10 lessons to learn in life from Think Simple Now.

1. It’s the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary.


I believe this to be true and have experienced this with my own family. When I think of the times where we laughed the most or had the most fun – it was when we were doing the simplest things. Swimming in a pool, combing a beach for shells, playing a board game, or sharing a delicious meal – all simple things making up the best times we’ve had as a family.
2. Support your children in pursuit of their dreams.


How many of us had parents who have – in not-so-subtle-ways – influenced us to take careers that were not in-line with our dreams? Be honest now, did you pick your current career because you’re passionate about the work or were you trying to make your parents proud? How do you feel about your career now?


As a parent, it’s difficult to accept when your child wants to take a path other than the one you had hoped and planned for them. But, it’s ok. Like my wife keeps telling me “give them roots and give them wings”. Give them a solid foundation of love, but give them the freedom to follow their dreams.

Question: What were some of your dreams as a child?


3. There is nothing to hold you back, except yourself.


There is only one question to ask yourself here: “What would you do if you were not afraid?” Think about it.

10 Life Lessons

4. There is only one way to learn, and that is through action.


Trying to learn without doing is like trying to lose weight by watching someone else exercise. It’s just not going to work. We are all fundamentally hands-on learners.

Question: What would you like to learn? What next action step can you take?


5. Trust your gut (or Learn to recognize omens, and follow them.)


Many times our subconscious has already made a decision before we’ve caught up and made the same decision. Sometimes we don’t make the same decision and then ‘something does not feel right’ or there is a persistent nagging that bothers us.


6. Follow your dreams.


There are many of us who dream our dreams without ever actually realizing any of them. For whatever reason we get locked in a “dream state” and never take action. We analyze too much and our dreams turn into giant mountains in our imagination that seem impossible to climb.


As a result, we never learned that foreign language we’ve always wanted to learn, or traveled, or started that business, or written that book. Just think of the many bestsellers that would have been, but were never written.


The time is now, to awake from dreamland, to live the life we want and to achieve the extraordinary potential within us all.

Question: What are some dreams you’d like to realize now? Write them down on a piece of paper and make sure the success of their attainment is measurable.

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7. Know what you want.


Set goals and make a plan to achieve them. It’s like the saying, “a goal that is never written down is nothing but a New Year’s resolution” – and we all know what happens to New Year’s resolutions.


8. Make a decision and dive in with massive action.


The river of life will take you to places that you have never imagined. Once you make a decision, take action. You’ll be surprised to find where it will lead.


9. Move on – always look forward.


It’s ok to look back once and a while, but don’t live in the past. You can visit “pity city” for a short time, but after a while you have to leave it all behind and walk on.


10. You will encounter obstacles and take detours while realizing your dreams.


As you strive to achieve your dreams, you can count on there being some setbacks and disappointments. Don’t get discouraged, the road to your dreams may not be an easy one.


Think of these challenges as tests of persistence and courage that life throws at you during your quest. They were necessary and were meant to help you grow as a person.


Learn to adjust the sails of your life to unpredictable winds, while keeping your focus clear on your destination.

To see the whole article and even more tips, Think Simple Now

Author: Sean May

Sean May is the founder of Science of Imagery. Sean focuses on helping individuals and companies reach their personal and professional goals while working to make the world a better place, one smile at a time. He has over 10 years of experience in the Personal Development space, using many different modalities and techniques to help break through old belief patterns and focusing on making things as fun as possible to break through any negativity or seriousness.

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