The Top 4 Ways To Become A Hero

The Best Ways To Become Your Own Hero

Become a hero quote

One of the proudest times a person can ever be is when they become a hero. However, in your eyes, what does the word hero mean?

Think past the comic book hero’s and think a little deeper. In all honesty, one of the most heroic things there are is creating a story for your life that’s worth telling. You don’t need to be able to fight villains or lift buildings to be a hero but rather just be a good persona and do good things with your life.

Check out this helpful article from Think Simple Now.

What makes us love Harry Potter or most action movies? Why do we always cheer for the good guys? Why do we love a good story of challenge, perseverance and triumph?


The Need For a Story


What makes a hero unforgettable is not their strength but rather their will. We admire their ability to transcend defeat and persevere. When we watch them we temporarily become them. We live vicariously through them. This is the lure of sports — an average person can experience the glory of the players.


What makes a hero so undefeatable? What makes him stand up after being knocked down a hundred times? The answer is simple. A story. Not just any story, but one that involves a deeply personal path that the individual walks alone.


It may be a story that his or her grandparents told them while sitting around the fire or one a mentor once inspired in them or perhaps it’s the result of some deeply powerful event.


Regardless of the medium, the story has been absorbed deep into the hero. The ups and downs of his/her adventure are not seen as separate events but rather as parts of one whole.

The Tips

1. Focus Your Energy


Use the exercise above. Using pen and paper or computer, write twenty-five things you want in life. Pick five. Set aside some time, an hour or so, to do this. You don’t want to be distracted.


You now have two lists — one to focus all your energy on and one to avoid. Put your lists on your wall in a place you can see them daily.


2. Embark on the Journey


There is no perfect time. Starting is the first step of the journey. Write down your goals. I break mine into yearly, every three months and weekly.


3. Battle Monsters


Happiness is a by-product of meaningful experience. It cannot be directly pursued, and if it is it won’t last.


Instead challenge yourself to battle the monsters in your life. Know that failure is part of the process.


4. The Hero Returns


The hero always returns home wiser and better. Reflect on your journey and share it with others. Nothing in life is as worthwhile as sharing with others.


Our modern world, with all the amazing progress and technology, has forgotten many of our roots. Modernity has slowly annexed the role of tradition.


As our world becomes more integrated, it becomes easier to forget our individual relationship with life.


We increasingly look outside for motivation. We love quotes and uplifting speeches, but rarely do we turn our attention inward and see that true motivation lies in your own story.

Become A Hero

Image Credit: pixabay

To see the article in its entirety, Think Simple Now

Author: Sean May

Sean May is the founder of Science of Imagery. Sean focuses on helping individuals and companies reach their personal and professional goals while working to make the world a better place, one smile at a time. He has over 10 years of experience in the Personal Development space, using many different modalities and techniques to help break through old belief patterns and focusing on making things as fun as possible to break through any negativity or seriousness.

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