Treat Yourself To Adventures In Life
Adventures Make Life Amazing Living life confined within a bubble may be comfortable, but it limits the experiences you will have in your life. I’ve always been a big believer in the fact that the world is something that should be explored. There are so many beautiful places to see, so many amazing things to do, and many adventures to be tackled. However, if you live your whole life within your comfort zone, you will cause yourself to...
Happiness Is A Must For Everyone
Happiness Is Important In Life Life is something that should be enjoyed. Happiness is a must, not a luxury. Since time is limited and it passes so quickly, we should do things that will create memories that last a lifetime. None of us will live forever, at least not here on Earth. However, the time that we are blessed with is enough if we use it in the right way. No matter who you are, or what you are going through, it’s important...
The World Is In Depserate Need Of Peace
We Need Peace Now, more than ever, we need peace in the world. It seems that hatred and violence is on a steady rise. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who live in fear and have a hard time living a normal life. When we start to allow the things that have been happening in the world to influence our daily lives, we are giving power to the people spreading the hatred. In my opinion, the best thing we can do is stay strong, untie...
The Importance Of Time Versus Money
Time Says I Love You Louder Than Money Does Time spent with those that we love will always express our feeling clearer than money will. This is especially true when it comes to children. Of course, having the money to pay bills is important. However, money can never replace the positive outcomes that involving yourself in someone’s life can create. People appreciate gifts and children like to get new things. However, they tend to like...
I Recently Learned An Important Lesson
Sometimes An Important Lesson Can Come From An Unexpected Place My wife and I recently saved a kitten from going to a shelter. While we may have been reluctant at first because we already have a few other pets in the house, I must say I am more than happy that we did it. This kitten, as well as my two dogs, have an important lesson to teach. As you can see, they care nothing about color, beliefs, or even species. They are able to love...