Your Actions Make A Difference

Positive Actions Cause Positive Reactions

Believe it or not, everything you do causes an impact on your life as well as the lives of others. Think of life as a pendulum swing, the movement you make causes movements for others. I’m sure the last thing anyone wants is for their actions to cause negative impacts in their life or the lives of others. Always be positive so that the impacts you make on yourself and others will be positive. Always remember, we are all connected. For this reason, we should do our best to be a positive contribution to the connection.


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Author: Teri Ballard

Teri Ballard is a partner at Science of Imagery. Teri has been in the personal development niche for many years and her goal is to share her knowledge with others. To help others help themselves. Her desire if for everyone to live the best life they can and hopes to provide the tips and tools to help them do so.

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