Avoid These Blockages To Health, Wealth, And Wisdom
There are countless lists of things you should do to accomplish a particular objective.
It’s just as important to avoid the things that will derail your efforts.
There are many aspects of everyday life that make it more challenging to be healthy, wealthy, and wise. Avoid these items whenever possible.
Make Life Easier By Avoiding Those Things That Make It Harder:
1. Processed food. There are plenty of things to eat that occur naturally. Fruits, vegetables, beans, rice, quinoa, nuts, and berries to name a few examples. The number of health challenges caused by an unhealthy diet is staggering.
2. Debt. Debt is bad on multiple levels. It’s not only bad for your bank account, but it’s also bad for your mental health. Debt creates financial challenges which lead to stress. Avoid debt if you want to be wealthy and happy.
• If you’re currently in debt, make a plan to pay it off. It’s worth making a few sacrifices to speed up the process.
3. Sitting. Those that spend too much time sitting are at a much higher risk for a wide range of health issues. Try to spend more time standing than sitting each day. There are desks designed to be used while standing. At the very least, get up and walk around for a few minutes each hour.
4. Sleep deprivation. It’s bad for your health, your mood, and your productivity. Arrange your life so you can get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. A short nap never hurt anyone, either.
• Strive to get to bed at the same time each night. Your boss already decides when you have to get up.
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