Could Your Social Skills Use Some Improvement?
Social skills might be the most important of all the life skills.
Those with excellent social skills will always have a job offer and plenty of friends. You’ll experience more career success and fulfilling relationships.
On the other hand, a lack of social skills can be a serious challenge to your success and enjoyment.
Cultivate These Social Skills And You’ll Enjoy Amazing Results:
1. The ability to listen. Social skills are about communication. At any moment, one party is providing communication, and the other is receiving. Listening well is half the battle. There’s little more to good listening skills than giving your complete attention to the other person.
• Avoid looking around the room.
• Occasionally nod to show that you’re paying attention.
• Make relevant comments at the appropriate time.
• The other person should feel like they’re the most fascinating person in the world.
2. Smiling and maintaining proper eye contact. You’ll have more meaningful conversations if you’ll just smile and maintain an appropriate level of eye contact. Consider how you act when you don’t wish to speak to someone one minute longer than necessary. You avoid eye contact and smiling.
• Strike up a few conversations and smile. Look them in the eye. Notice how much better the conversation flows. People will appreciate it. Feel free to experiment.
• Observe others who find it easy to speak face to face. Notice how they smile and maintain eye contact.
3. Feeling at ease in social situations. Some naturally feel completely at ease in all social situations. The rest of us have varying degrees of comfort. When you’re anxious, your brain isn’t operating as well as it can be. It’s harder to be witty and charming when your heart feels like it’s going to burst forth from your chest.
• Others can sense when we’re anxious. It makes them anxious, too.
• Learn how to feel comfortable in all social situations.
Feeling at ease in social situation is much easier when you have a healthy level of confidence. Luckily, confidence can easily be improved, especially when people use the right tools to get it done. Click below to get a great confidence building tool as a free gift.