Improve Your Personal Efficiency And Improve Your Life
We all have 24 hours each day.
Those that use their 24 hours most effectively have the most successful careers, the cleanest homes, and the happiest families.
Are you using your time as effectively as possible?
Consider how you could use your time more wisely and get more accomplished.
Efficiency At Work
Being more efficient at work can help your career and make the day pass more quickly:
1. Drink water. Nothing will sap your energy quicker than dehydration. By the time you feel thirsty, it’s too late. Take a drink during your break and continue drinking throughout the day.
2. Delegate. You can get more accomplished if you delegate tasks at work. When necessary, you might even be able to delegate work to your peers. Ask nicely.
• People are a resource. Be respectful, but use them wisely.
3. Have an up to date to-do list. You’ll get more done if you can hit the ground running when you first walk in the workplace doors. Know what you need to accomplish and have a plan already in place.
4. Take regular breaks. The best ratio for the average person is a 10-minute break each hour. You’ll get more done over the entire day and still feel refreshed when everyone else is burning out. Take breaks and get more done.
• Work intently for that hour. Watch the clock and see how much you can get done. Push yourself. Then take a break and recharge.
These are just a few ideas. How could you use your time at work better? How do you waste time?
One great thing that you may want to consider doing during your breaks is a quick meditation. Believe it or not, even a quick meditation sessions provide great results. Click below to get some great meditations as a free gift.