Take Your Success Up A Notch By Getting A Promotion
It’s enjoyable when your life is progressing. Like losing weight or increasing your net worth, getting a promotion can be gratifying.
The key is to prove that you deserve a promotion and are the right person for the job. With a little planning, you can get a promotion and advance your career.
Even if you’ve been stuck in the same job for years, it’s never too late to make new career strides. You can quickly establish yourself as a valuable employee that deserves greater responsibilities.
Get A Promotion And Revitalize Your Career:
1. Work for a company where promotions are possible. For example, if you work for a small company with a long-term workforce, there will be few opportunities for promotion. So, your first step might be to find a new company! Ideally, it would be a large company with multiple locations.
2. Start each day with a plan. Most employees arrive at work, grab a cup of coffee, socialize for a while, and then try to figure out what to do. Have a plan before you go to bed. With a plan, when you get up, you can start your day effectively and get a head start on the competition.
3. Go above and beyond. Does everyone else arrive at 8:00am and leave by 5:00pm? Then you arrive at 7:30 and leave at 5:30. It doesn’t take long for people to identify you as the person that comes in early and leaves late. Find a way to stand out as a superior employee. It isn’t hard since most others are just doing enough to avoid getting fired.
4. Always be early. Be early to work and early with your work. If something is due by Friday at 5:00, have it completed on Thursday. Be 100% reliable. And be on time for meetings. Avoid letting anyone down. Be impeccable with your word.
5. Avoid making enemies. You never know whom your archenemy knows. You both might be low on the totem pole but your nemesis might be best friends with the CEO’s daughter. Be one of those people that everyone likes and admires. It’s not hard to be pleasant when a promotion is at stake.
It’s much easier to avoid making enemies when you are at peace with yourself. Luckily, inner-peace can easily be achieved with the use of meditation. Click below to get a great meditation as a free gift.