8 Steps To Enhance Life From Your Couch

Are You Ready To Enhance Life?

8 Steps To Enhance Life From Your CouchHypnosis can provide many benefits. It’s even possible to hypnotize yourself. Self-hypnosis might provide the breakthrough you desire.

Self-hypnosis can change your attitudes, emotions, and behaviors. It can also alter bad habits or increase your self-esteem.

Many view self-hypnosis as a lack of control or awareness, but it’s actually the opposite. Hypnosis involves a high degree of concentration.

It’s similar to a meditative state, but with a different purpose. Meditation is about emptying the mind. Self-hypnosis is about putting new thoughts and ideas into the mind.

Hypnosis is a safe and effective way to alter your beliefs and habits. There are health professionals trained in the use of hypnotherapy, but you can get many of the same benefits on your own. However, seek out professional assistance if necessary.

Hypnotizing Yourself Is Safe And Simple:

1. Self-hypnosis is a skill that often requires time to develop. Learning to relax and concentrate takes time. It won’t take years, but it might take a month or two to see good results.

2. Sit in a comfortable position with your feet flat on the floor. If you’re able to sit in a meditative position and be comfortable, a full-lotus position is also effective. Avoid positions that will allow you to fall asleep. Also avoid positions you can’t maintain with comfort for at least 10 minutes.

3. Stare at a point directly across from you. Take a deep breath and forcefully command yourself to sleep right now. “I am going to sleep right now!” is an effective phrasing. Repeat this phrase several times and allow your eyes to close. Be gentle with your command, but be convincing.

4. The most important step is to relax your body completely. Tell yourself that you’re becoming more relaxed with every breath. Feel the breath traveling in and out of your nose and mouth.

Some people may have a hard time relaxing themselves enough to experience the full impact of self-hypnosis. If this is the case for you, you would likely greatly benefit from using binaural beats. These simple to do meditations can help you relax and open doors of opportunity in your life. Get yours as a free gift below.

14 Promises To Make To Yourself

5. Give yourself suggestions. Keep it positive and in the present tense. “I am calm and relaxed” is better than “I’m not afraid or stressed.” Keep the number of suggestions to five or less and repeat them silently to yourself several times.

6. Visualize yourself living out your suggestions. If your hypnotic suggestion is about confidence, visualize yourself being confident in challenging situations. Think of all the scenarios in your daily life that are applicable and include them in your visualizations.

7. When you’re finished, tell yourself that it’s time to wake up. Tell yourself that you’ll be fully awake by the count of three. Count and wake up. You might feel a little sleepy for a few minutes, but it’s no more harmful than waking up from a short nap. Move around and you’ll feel fine shortly.

8. Feel free to repeat the process whenever you have the time. Of course, be safe. It’s not appropriate or safe to hypnotize yourself while driving a car or operating machinery. Try to perform self-hypnosis a couple of times each day.

8 Steps To Enhance Life From Your Couch 1

Self-hypnosis can be a useful tool in self-improvement. If you’re looking for a new way to change your beliefs or behavior, self-hypnosis can help. There is a learning curve to develop the necessary skill to hypnotize yourself effectively. Just like meditation, it can take months to become moderately skilled.

Hypnotic suggestions can also require a lot of repetition before you see results. But if you’re looking for something new, self-hypnosis is a useful technique.

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Author: Sean May

Sean May is the founder of Science of Imagery. Sean focuses on helping individuals and companies reach their personal and professional goals while working to make the world a better place, one smile at a time. He has over 10 years of experience in the Personal Development space, using many different modalities and techniques to help break through old belief patterns and focusing on making things as fun as possible to break through any negativity or seriousness.

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