7 Inspiring Ways To Maintain Your Motivation
Maintaining Your Motivation Helps You Up When Life Knocks You Down
When it comes to getting things accomplished, motivation can be hard to come by. Yet, motivation is exactly what is needed.
A small amount of motivation is required to do small, simple things, like brushing your teeth.
Bigger tasks require more motivation to complete.
But how do you manufacture motivation when you have none?
Learn To Motivate Yourself And You’ll Accomplish More:
1. Use pain. If you fail to complete a particular task, what damage will be done? It might just be the inconvenience of having even more to do the following day. Or it could be the prospect of someone dropping by and seeing how filthy your home is.
• Come up with several good reasons why failing to take action would be painful to you.
2. Use pleasure. Saving $25 this week might not be too exciting, but the vacation you’ll be taking next year is pretty great. Remind yourself of all the benefits you’ll receive. Make a long list that will help to keep the fire burning inside to successfully deal with those unpleasant or boring tasks.
• Visualize the future you expect to enjoy from getting your tasks completed. Rehearse your successes in your mind. Create an image that motivates you take the next step enthusiastically.
3. Set short-term goals. It’s hard to stay motivated for more than 8-10 weeks. So, if you have a goal that will require a year to accomplish, you’ll run out of gas before you’re successful.
• Break goals that take an extended amount of time into smaller goals that can be accomplished within two months.
One goal you may want to consider setting for yourself is practicing meditation at least a couple of times per week. Believe it or not, meditation works wonders when it comes to enhancing motivation and helping people create better lives. Click below to get a great meditation as a free gift.