16 Ways To Make Today Better

Make Today Better Than Yesterday

16 Ways To Make Today BetterThere are lots of things that can darken your day.

Maybe storm clouds are covering up the sun or you just learned that your son needs braces that will cost more than your last car.

If you need quick relief, take a look at these fast and easy treats for your mind and body. They will surely make your day brighter and make life more enjoyable.


Fast Ways To Lighten Up Your Mind

1. Count your blessings. Cultivating gratitude makes you happier. Write out a long list of things that you’re grateful for and post it somewhere where you can see it throughout the day. Tell someone how much they mean to you.

16 Ways To Make Today Better

2. Hang out with friends. Connect with others. Invite a bunch of pals over to watch a movie and eat popcorn.

3. Volunteer in your community. Support a worthy cause while you take your mind off your troubles. Pull weeds for elderly neighbors or make fundraising calls for your local public television station.

4. Shop for others. Studies show that money can buy happiness when you spend it on others. Surprise your mother with a heated mattress pad to help her sleep.

16 Ways To Make Today Better

5. Head outside. Communing with nature also lifts our spirits. Eat lunch in the park.

6. Learn something new. Adding to your accomplishments provides lasting satisfaction. Sign up for an online course and complete your first lesson in gothic architecture. Ask a neighbor to show you how they keep their lawn so green.

One thing in particular that you may want to learn about is meditation. This personal development strategy has been used for a very long time, likely due to it’s effectiveness. If you’re ready to learn about meditation and improve your life, click below to get some great meditations as a free gift.

7. Laugh out loud. Smile wide and think about something that makes you want to chuckle. Watch cat videos online or remember the funny thing that happened at your child’s school play.

8. Listen to music. Upbeat music is contagious. Put together a playlist of songs that make you want to dance. Sing along with the band.

9. Pet your dog. Your dog is an excellent role model for teaching you how to put aside your cares and enjoy the moment. Let him cheer you up when you’re feeling blue.

16 Ways To Make Today Better

Author: Teri Ballard

Teri Ballard is a partner at Science of Imagery. Teri has been in the personal development niche for many years and her goal is to share her knowledge with others. To help others help themselves. Her desire if for everyone to live the best life they can and hopes to provide the tips and tools to help them do so.

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